I’m using the option “Extract to disk” for several files that I’m bundling with XBundler. The files are extracted correctly under Windows XP but it fails under Vista and Windows 7. What’s happening?

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I’m using the option “Extract to disk” for several files that I’m bundling with XBundler. The files are extracted correctly under Windows XP but it fails under Vista and Windows 7. What’s happening?

It seems that the problem is that the file cannot be created under Vista/Windows 7 due to UAC restrictions, which might be denying file creation if your application is not launched with an administrator manifest.


You have two options:


1) In the Extra Options panel, "Add a manifest from File" to run as administrator. This will force your application to be launched with admin’s rights.


2) Go to the XBundler panel and right click on the XBundler files panel. Select the option "Add Root Folder --> USER_DOCS" (or any other special folder from the list). After that you can create a subfolder inside the added root folder. Example:


 --> %USER_DOCS%

   |--> My Folder

      |--> File1.txt        

      |--> File2.txt


The defined "Root Folders" are:


APP_FOLDER: Folder where the protected application is located


WIN_FOLDER: Windows folder (i.e: C:\Windows)


WINSYS_FOLDER: Windows system folder (i.e: C:\Windows\System32)


USER_DOCS:  Current user documents folder


LOCAL_APP_DATA: Local application data for the current user


COMMON_APP_DATA: Common application data for all users


TEMP_FOLDER: User temporal folder