<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> I see a lots of functions related with Trial/Registration, but I'm quite lost about which functions I have to use to check if my application is registered and if not, get the number of days left. |
Please, follow the next steps to check the status of your application and possible days/executions/date left.
1) You check if your application is in Registered or Trial mode (Using the function WLRegGetStatus)
2) If WLRegGetStatus returns that it's in Trial Mode, you check the Trial status (calling WLTrialGetStatus)
2.1) If WLTrialGetStatus returns trial valid, you can call the functions to know the trial days, executions (WLTrialDaysLeft, WLTrialExecutionsLeft, etc.)
3) If WLRegGetStatus returns that your application is registered, you can call the license expiration functions in case that you have expiry licenses (WLRegDaysLeft, WLRegExecutionsLeft, etc)
Summing up, you should never call a function to get the number of days/executions/date left without knowing the status of the application (via WLRegGetStatus and later WLTrialGetStatus)