Code Virtualizer [] (13-Mar-2025) |
[+] |
x64: Improved detection of switch/case patterns from specific compilers to be virtualized |
[+] |
ARM64: Added support for switch-case virtualization in Visual Studio C++ applications |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: ELF: Improved handling of relocations in ELF binaries |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: ELF: Improved handling of NOBITS type sections |
[+] |
x86/x64: Added support for STR_ENCRYPT in Golang applications |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Optimized memory allocation in protection time when adding multiple VMs |
[+] |
ARM64: Improved dereferences instructions engine |
[+] |
ARM64: Added VirtualizerDDK (sys/lib) for Windows device drivers |
[+] |
ARM64: Added support to detect protection markers with special MSVC compiler optimizations |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization of specific "LDP Wn, Wn, [Wx, imm]" opcodes |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization of specific "EXTR Wn, Wn, Wn, imm" opcodes |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization of "LDURSW" opcodes |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization of "MSUB Wn, Wn, Wn, Wn" |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization of "NGC Wn, Wn" |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization of "SBC Wn, Wn" |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization of "MNEG rd, rn, rm" when "rd = rm" |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed compatibitily issue with option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ENHANCED_SPECIAL_LOCATIONS" in specific applications |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed a bug where MAP functions with the same starting address as the ending address of a previous MAP function were incorrectly skipped |
[!] |
x86/x64: Fixed an issue where MAP functions to virtualize with less than 5 bytes of code were incorrectly skipped |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed exception in protection time in specific applications when adding dozens of VMs |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed support in STR_ENCRYPT macros inside VM markers with option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ENHANCED_SPECIAL_LOCATION |
Code Virtualizer [] (06-Nov-2024) |
[+] |
x64: Added new module for better support for x64 Handled exceptions in virtualized code (Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ENHANCED_SPECIAL_LOCATIONS=YES") |
[+] |
x86/x64: Improved support for dereferences instructions in virtualized macros |
[+] |
x64: Improved switch/case support in virtualized code (use Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ENHANCED_SPECIAL_LOCATIONS=YES") |
[+] |
ARM64: Added Windows ARM64 handled exceptions support on virtualized code (use Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ENHANCED_SPECIAL_LOCATIONS=YES") |
[+] |
ARM64: Optimized space in target binary for encrypted strings |
[+] |
x86/x64: Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_JUMP_VM_WITH_INITIAL_NOP" (required for very specific applications) |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Improved parsing of Clang 9.0.0 MAP files |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Improved handling of UTF-8 strings to virtualize |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added detection of function aliases sharing the same address in MAP files |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Enabled multiple "Unselect" in the MAP functions selection dialog |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Improved display of localized strings in the User Interface |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added support for parsing Android NDK MAP files |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: MAP function names are now displayed in the protection log (replacing start/end addresses) |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added log in protection time to display the string encryption process |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added log in protection time to display the virtualization of inserted code blocks |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization of specific MSR/MZR opcodes in TIGER VM and FALCON VM |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed detection when a MAP function to virtualize already contains a macro marker inside |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Mach-O: Fixed the removal of the VirtualizedSDK library in specific protected binaries |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Mach-O: Fixed reconstruction of LC_DYLD_CHAINED_FIXUPS chain in specific binaries |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed a bug with setting VM instances when reloading a file in the User Interface |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed a bug where the selected VM was not preserved when reloading a file in the User Interface |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed an issue where an encrypted string was not destroyed when the same string pointer was used in different protection macros |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed exception in protection time when searching for specific strings to encrypt |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: ELF: Fixed bug on specific ELF binaries where macros were not unselected correctly from the User Interface |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed memory leak processing strings to encrypt in protection time |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed very random bug with a misaligned instruction inside the protection pool code |
[!] |
x64: Fixed wrong handling of encrypted strings for specific x64 opcodes when referencing a string |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed wrong memory pointer with the decrypted string address for specific ARM64 opcodes |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed loading of MAP functions when saving a project and reloading the file again |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed loading of MAP functions when using special path constants in the input file |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed protection error when specific encrypted strings are processed |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed string Re-encrypt when strings were encrypted from VM macros and also STR_ENCRYPT macros were nested in the VM macro |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed bug in User Interface where MAP functions associated to a specific VM were not selected in the Virtual Machine panel |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed handling of encryted strings when both VM and STR_ENCRYPT macros are present with same pointers to a single string |
Code Virtualizer [] (06-Sep-2024) |
[+] |
x86/x64: Improved spinlock mechanism for entering and exiting the VM |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Enhanced detection of localized strings for the string encryption feature |
[+] |
ARM64: Added a detection to identify when an encrypted string is referenced from different code locations |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added log of unused "Stealth Data Area" space |
[!] |
x64: Fixed a race condition occurring during parallel execution within a specific VM |
[!] |
x86/x64: Fixed handling of specific virtualized instructions with "lock" prefix |
[!] |
x64: Fixed memory allocation issue when only a re-virtualized VM was added into the protected binary |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed calculation of required Pool data area when using MAP functions |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed exit code when protecting via command line and there are no protection macros inserted |
[!] |
x64: A MAP function from a x64 binary could be assigned to an ARM64 VM with "SHIFT+Arrow" |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Fixed issue not reading correctly the size of the Stealth Data Area |
Code Virtualizer [] (28-Aug-2024) |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added parallel execution within each VM instance (32 virtual cores by default) |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Improved protection in FISH VM |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Improved protection in PUMA VM |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Improved speed loading/parsing the target binary |
[+] |
x86/x64: Improved detection of macro markers in GO applications |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added support with "Compress Virtual Machine" for ELF and Mach-O binaries |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64:Improved detection of Stealth Areas |
[+] |
x64: Improved search of pointers to strings in macro markers (for encryption) |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Improved randomization in VM registers |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added support for MAP files generated by IDA disassembler |
[+] |
x86/x64: Added support for encrypted strings when either "Optimize for Windows on ARM" or "OPTION_ADVANCED_NO_EXECUTABLE_WRITABLE_SECTION" is enabled |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added support for encrypted strings with Stealth Regs area |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added support for encrypted strings in PE/ELF/Mach-O files |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added random pool data area |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: New design for protected symbols/variables insertion |
[+] |
ARM64: Added support for command line switch "/checkprotected" |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added string "Re-Encrypt" option |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64:Improved parsing of MAP files |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Falcon VM virtualization allowed in DEMO version |
[+] |
ARM64: Optimized search of macro markers when called from API functions |
[+] |
ARM64: Improved code mutation engine |
[+] |
ARM64: Added MUTATE macro |
[+] |
ARM64: Added support for nesting STR_ENCRYPT macros inside MUTATE macros |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_MAX_CPUS_IN_EACH_VM_INSTANCE" to change the maximum number of virtual cores for each VM instance |
[+] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Added "HW Stack Protection Support" option in GUI |
[+] |
x86/x64: Added compatibility with Hardware-enforced Stack Protection with option "Compress Virtual Machine" |
[!] |
x86/x64: Fixed specific compatibility issue finding protection macros via an external ASM module |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed assembling of ADRP opcode with negative pages |
[!] |
ARM64/x86/x64: Minor bugs fixed |
Code Virtualizer [] (28-Mar-2024) |
[+] |
Improved virtualization of "REP string" opcodes |
[+] |
More improvements in the dereferences engine |
[+] |
Improved detection of protection macro markers in VB6 |
[+] |
Added FALCON TINY VM support for VB6 |
[+] |
Added map file parser for Xcode Clang compiler |
[+] |
Added .ini option "DisableStealthAreaScanning" to skip searching for Stealth Areas |
[+] |
Improved compatibility protecting Windows Device Drivers |
[+] |
ARM64: Improved speed loading/parsing binaries |
[+] |
ARM64: Improved support detecting protection macro markers for Delphi 12 applications |
[+] |
ARM64: Improved virtualization for "ASR reg, reg, imm" |
[!] |
Fixed random bug in repermutator engine when generating specific VM architectures |
[!] |
Fixed bug in dereferences engine when macros from a MAP file are unselected |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed virtualization for specific TBZ/TBNZ instructions |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed handling of "LDR reg, label" instruction for floating-point registers |
[!] |
ARM64: Fixed C include file for GCC compiler |