Themida [] (06-Nov-2024) |
[+] |
Improved support in API Wrapper with Windows API set schema |
[+] |
x64: Added new module for better support for x64 Handled exceptions in virtualized code (Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ENHANCED_SPECIAL_LOCATIONS=YES") |
[+] |
Improved support for dereferences instructions in virtualized macros |
[+] |
x64: Improved switch/case support in virtualized code (use Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ENHANCED_SPECIAL_LOCATIONS=YES") |
[+] |
Added support for MetaDarkStyle (Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_METADARKSTYLE_SUPPORT=YES") |
[+] |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_DISABLE_PARALLELS_DETECTION" to allow execution under Parallels when restricting execution under Virtual environments |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_JUMP_VM_WITH_INITIAL_NOP" (required for very specific applications) |
[+] |
Improved parsing of Clang 9.0.0 MAP files |
[+] |
Added detection of function aliases sharing the same address in MAP files |
[+] |
Enabled multiple "Unselect" in the MAP functions selection dialog |
[+] |
MAP function names are now displayed in the protection log (replacing start/end addresses) |
[+] |
Added log in protection time to display the string encryption process |
[!] |
Fixed detection when a MAP function to virtualize already contains a macro marker inside |
[!] |
Fixed a bug with setting VM instances when reloading a file in the User Interface |
[!] |
x64: Fixed wrong handling of encrypted strings for specific x64 opcodes when referencing a string |
[!] |
Fixed loading of MAP functions when saving a project and reloading the file again |
[!] |
Fixed loading of MAP functions when using special path constants in the input file |
[!] |
Fixed string Re-encrypt when strings were encrypted from VM macros and also STR_ENCRYPT macros were nested in the VM macro |
[!] |
Fixed bug in User Interface where MAP functions associated to a specific VM were not selected in the Virtual Machine panel |
[!] |
Fixed CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY macro for specific applications with initial .textbss section |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed in the User Interface |
Themida [] (06-Sep-2024) |
[+] |
Improved spinlock mechanism for entering and exiting the VM |
[+] |
[+] |
[!] |
x64: Fixed a race condition occurring during parallel execution within a specific VM |
[!] |
Fixed handling of specific virtualized instructions with "lock" prefix |
[!] |
x64: Fixed memory allocation issue when only a re-virtualized VM was added into the protected binary |
[!] |
Fixed calculation of required Pool data area when using MAP functions |
Themida [] (28-Aug-2024) |
[+] |
Added parallel execution within each VM instance (32 virtual cores by default) |
[+] |
Improved protection in FISH VM |
[+] |
Improved protection in PUMA VM |
[+] |
Improved protection in CHECK_DEBUGGER macro |
[+] |
Improved compatibility protecting applications created with PyInstaller and option "OPTION_ADVANCED_PROTECT_OVERLAY" |
[+] |
Improved protection in Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_ACTIVE_ANTIMONITORS" |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_PLUGIN_UNLOAD_AFTER_BOOT_CODE" to unload embedded plugins before the original application takes control |
[+] |
Improved speed loading/parsing the target binary |
[+] |
Improved detection of macro markers in GO applications |
[+] |
Improved handling of discardable sections in the PE header |
[+] |
x64: Improved search of pointers to strings in macro markers (for encryption) |
[+] |
Improved randomization in VM registers |
[+] |
Added support for MAP files generated by IDA disassembler |
[+] |
Improved parsing of MAP files |
[+] |
Falcon VM virtualization allowed in DEMO version |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_MAX_CPUS_IN_EACH_VM_INSTANCE" to change the maximum number of virtual cores for each VM instance |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue on specific applications with option "Perform Protection checks of VM macros" |
[!] |
Fixed specific compatibility issue finding protection macros via an external ASM module |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (28-Mar-2024) |
[+] |
Improved virtualization of "REP string" opcodes |
[+] |
Improved Anti-Monitors detection |
[+] |
More improvements in the dereferences engine |
[+] |
Improved detection of protection macro markers in VB6 |
[+] |
Added FALCON TINY VM support for VB6 |
[+] |
Added map file parser for Xcode Clang compiler |
[+] |
[+] |
[+] |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_XBUNDLER_SHOW_EXTRACTION_ERROR" when option "Extract to disk" is selected and file cannot be extracted |
[!] |
Fixed random bug in repermutator engine when generating specific VM architectures |
[!] |
Fixed bug in dereferences engine when macros from a MAP file are unselected |
[!] |
Fixed bug in API-Wrapper when generating very specific protected instances |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed bug in CopyFile function for x64 applications |
Themida [] (15-Jan-2024) |
[+] |
Improved detection of false strings in STR_ENCRYPT protection macros |
[+] |
Improved protection in Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_PROTECT_OVERLAY" |
[+] |
x64: Improved support for try/catch inside virtualization markers |
[+] |
[+] |
[+] |
Improved restoration of GUI windows positions when a monitor has been disconnected |
[+] |
Added an .ini option "DisableMacroScanning" to skip parsing of the file for searching protection macro markers |
[!] |
x64: Fixed bug in "CAT_BLACK VM" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue when inserting via MAP file and instruction after the last one is a JMP [IAT] |
[!] |
Fixed random exception when parsing specific applications when searching for strings to encrypt |
Themida [] (02-Oct-2023) |
[+] |
Added FALCON TINY VM, a very fast VM with low protection |
[+] |
Improved parallelism generating common (non revirtualized) virtual machines |
[+] |
Improved parallelism generating revirtualized VMs |
[+] |
Optimized LONDON virtual machine engine |
[+] |
Optimized generation of micro-ops for specific VM architectures |
[+] |
More improvements parallelizing the code virtualization process |
[+] |
Added full parallelization to search for protection macro markers |
[+] |
Optimized code parsing and collecting the manifest information |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_VM_ENGINE_PRESERVE_FLAGS_ON_EXIT=NO" and re-virtualized VMs |
[+] |
Improved performance in applications that use OpenMP and are protected with the Advanced API-Wrapper option |
[+] |
Improved support in MUTATE macros in multithreading applications |
[+] |
Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_INITIAL_SEED" now produces a 100% exact match output file (even with parallel protection) |
[+] |
[+] |
Decreased amount of protection memory when inserting multiple virtual machines |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_SKIP_MISSING_MAP_FUNCTIONS" to keep protecting even if missing functions in MAP file |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_LIMIT_CORES_FOR_PROTECTION" to restrict the number of cores during the protection stage |
[+] |
Improved detection of Golang applications |
[+] |
Logged the time taken for protection and final MD5 hash in the final protection report |
[!] |
Fixed bug in specific applications when compressing with multi-core and option "Favor size over protection" is enabled |
[!] |
Fixed wrong protected instances when using "Favor size over protection" and "Optimize for Windows on ARM" |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed return value in SetFilePointerEx when pointed position was zero |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with macro markers in specific Golang applications |
[!] |
Fixed exit code when protecting via the command line and passing a non existing file to protect |
[!] |
Fixed exception in protection time when more than 100 customized VMs are present |
Themida [] (15-Aug-2023) |
[+] |
Added Hardware-enforced Stack Protection support (Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_HARDWARE_STACK_PROTECTION_COMPATIBLE=YES") |
[+] |
Improved protection in all virtual machine architectures |
[+] |
Added multi-core compression for "Compress Application/Resources" (up to 32 processors) |
[+] |
Added multi-core compression for "Compress SecureEngine" (up to 32 processors) |
[+] |
Added multi-core support when mutating VM handlers (like in FISH BLACK VM) |
[+] |
Added detection of missing MAP functions to virtualize to stop the protection process |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with option "OPTION_ADVANCED_KEEP_DEBUG_INFO" |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with specific protected bundled DLLs with TLS |
[+] |
Improved compatibiliy with protected bundled DLLs with TLS under Linux/Wine |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility emulating ReadFile function |
[+] |
Themida [] (25-Jul-2023) |
[+] |
Internal virtual machine engine now supports native ARM64 protection. At the moment available for free in Code Virtualizer ARM64 |
[+] |
Added support for virtualization protection macro markers in .NET Native AOT binaries |
[+] |
Improved "Entry Point Virtualization" option |
[+] |
Improved parsing of MAP files |
[+] |
x64: Improved support for Codejock applications |
[+] |
[+] |
[+] |
[+] |
Added option "FindMacrosSkipJmpIat" |
[+] |
Added option "FindStringsLeaSupport" |
[+] |
Added command line argument "/str_encrypt_locale" |
[+] |
Added command line argument "/str_encrypt_in_data_section_only" |
[+] |
Added command line argument "/find_macros_with_indirect_jumps" |
[+] |
Added command line argument "/find_macros_skip_call_imm" |
[+] |
Added command line argument "/find_macros_skip_jmp_iat" |
[+] |
Added command line argument "/find_macros_skip_jmp_iat" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with API-Wrapper in specific x64 binaries |
[!] |
x64: Fixed virtualization of "LEA REG32, [REG32 + REG32 * scale]" in TIGER VM |
[!] |
x64: Fixed virtualization of "LEA REG16, [REG16 + REG16 * scale]" in TIGER VM |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue when enabling options anti-file patching and protect overlay |
[!] |
Fixed very specific bug when protecting multiple applications without closing the User Interface |
Themida [] (10-Nov-2022) |
[+] |
Improved internal protection |
[+] |
Improved parallel protection |
[+] |
Added support for UNPROTECTED macro to be inside VM macro markers |
[+] |
Improved virtual machine detection with option "OPTION_ADVANCED_DETECT_VIRTUAL_ENVIRONMENT_MK1" |
[+] |
Added LION VM for Visual Basic 6 applications |
[+] |
Increased maximum of manual insertion of macros (via RVA address) up to 5000 |
[+] |
Added internal option for extra entry point obfuscation |
[+] |
Added option to avoid specific code sequences when searching for protection markers |
[+] |
Optimized memory allocation for with multi-core protection |
[+] |
Added option "FindMacrosWithIndirectJumps" to find for indirect calls/jumps to protection macros |
[!] |
Fixed parsing of exception handlers inside non VM-type macros |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with option "OPTION_ADVANCED_CHECK_DEBUGGER_EXT" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue virtualizing specific memory access instructions |
[!] |
Fixed (very rare) race condition when protecting concurrently via the command line |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (26-Apr-2022) |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with Windows 11 |
[+] |
Improved detection of protection macros with specific compiler optimizations |
[+] |
Improved support with specific applications using forwarded exports |
[+] |
Improved exception handling inside virtualized code |
[+] |
Improved option "Perform protection checks on VM macros" |
[+] |
Improved support with manually mapped protected DLLs |
[+] |
Improved processing of relocations in specific DLLs |
[+] |
Added new plugin callback "SecureEngineGetFingerprint" |
[+] |
[+] |
[!] |
Fixed compatiblity issue with new anti-debugger detection on Windows on ARM |
[!] |
Fixed sudden exit when runnning protected applications on specific Windows 11 machines |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue running protected applications under Linux/Wine |
[!] |
XBundler x64: Fixed exception will all files to be extracted to disk and option "Delete extracted on exit" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility wrapping GetVersionEx when running in "Compatibility mode" |
[!] |
Fixed exception processing MAP functions to virtualize from command line protection |
[!] |
Fixed memory leak when unloading protected DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed construction of Exception directory with re-virtualized VMs |
[!] |
x64: Fixed deadlock when exception happened in virtualized code |
[!] |
Fixed exception on specific Windows 11 computers when protecting via the User Interface |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (15-Aug-2021) |
[+] |
Added new Virtual Machine: "LION VM" |
[+] |
Improved Anti-Debugger detection |
[+] |
Improved GCC Map file parser |
[+] |
Added detection for new Monitor tools |
[+] |
Memory optimizations when parsing big binaries to protect |
[+] |
[+] |
Added new plugin callback "SecureEngineGetProtectedFileName" |
[+] |
[+] |
Improved compatibility processing the debug directory with "OPTION_ADVANCED_KEEP_DEBUG_INFO=TRUE" |
[+] |
Optimized speed wrapping imported functions |
[!] |
Fixed race condition in CHECK_DEBUGGER macro |
[!] |
Fixed specific hang protecting a file with option "Perform Process Hooking" (Plugins) and XBundler |
[!] |
Fixed out of memory exception processing applications with huge Exception Directory |
Themida [] (27-Apr-2021) |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with protected plugins for AmiBroker |
[+] |
Added instances selection in Virtual Machine panel |
[+] |
Improved parsing of protection macros |
[+] |
Added support for binary files with corrupted relocs section |
[+] |
Added support for Clang Map files |
[+] |
Improved GCC Map file parser |
[+] |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_PASS_WACK_CHECKS" for compatibility with WACK checks |
[+] |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_STR_ENCRYPT_IN_DATA_SECTION" to search for strings only in the data section |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_PROTECTION, CHECK_DEBUGGER and CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY with specific 64-bit applications |
[!] |
Fixed wrong exit code when application is already protected |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_DEBUGGER protection macro in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue protecting specific applications that are already packed/compressed |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with protected .NET applications on Windows 2000 |
Themida [] (02-Oct-2020) |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with Golang applications and re-virtualization |
[+] |
Added PowerBuilder support |
[+] |
Improved "Anti-File Patching" option |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option to code sign the protected application |
[+] |
[+] |
Improved detection of wrong macro markers from compiler optimizations |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_PROTECT_OVERLAY" for overlay protection |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with option "Re-Encrypt strings after decryption" in some applications |
[+] |
Improved MAP file parsing |
[+] |
Added include files and examples for Rust |
[+] |
Improved support with overlay protection and code signing |
[+] |
Improved speed parsing files with huge TLS section |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support with bundled DLLs with TLS present |
[+] |
Improved detection of old ENCODE/CLEAR macros |
[+] |
[+] |
Improved option "Get name from MAP File" in "Protection Macros" panel |
[!] |
Original memory page permits in Import Table were not restored correctly in runtime |
[!] |
Fixed random exception loading multiples projects without closing the User Interface |
[!] |
Fixed calculation of final resource section in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with 64-bit Xojo applications |
[!] |
Fixed exception handling support in Golang applications |
[!] |
Fixed exception when STR_ENCRYPT is within VM macros and "UNICODE/ASCII on VM" encryption is enabled |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue parsing specific PowerBuilder files |
[!] |
XBundler: Improved support in OpenFile function |
[!] |
Fixed exception processing selected MAP functions with very big function names |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY, CHECK_PROTECTION macros using x64 inline assembly |
Themida [] (04-Jul-2020) |
[+] |
Added new Protection Option "Re-Encrypt strings after decryption" for VM macros and STR_ENCRYPT macros |
[+] |
Added RDTSC virtualization |
[+] |
Improved MAP file parser |
[+] |
Improved MUTATE macro |
[+] |
CHECK_DEBUGGER protection macro works when Anti-Debug option is disabled on User Interface |
[+] |
Optimized memory consumption while protecting |
[+] |
XBundler: Re-encryption in memory of bundled files after CloseHandle |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_DONT_PROCESS_SECTIONS" to skip sections from being compressed/encrypted |
[+] |
Improved detection of END macro marker with TCO (Tail Call Optimization) |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option "OPTION_ADVANCED_XBUNDLER_CLOSE_FILE_DONT_ENCRYPT" to avoid re-encrypting the file in memory after being |
[!] |
Fixed exception adding MAP functions with very long names |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with Strings resources |
[!] |
x64: Fixed exception using the CHECK_DEBUGGER protection macro in specific 64-bit applications |
[!] |
x64: Fixed exception adding entries in the Exception Directory for specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with "OPTION_MACROS_ENCRYPT_STRINGS_DECRYPT_ON_HEAP" with specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with "OPTION_MACROS_ENCRYPT_STRINGS_REENCRYPT" with specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed random exception when processing MAP files with different function names pointing to the same code location |
[!] |
Fixed very rare exception analysing specific protection macros |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed duplicated folders when dropping multiple files and folders at once |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed parsing of specific files to bundle |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed exception when bundling very big files (> 400Mb) |
Themida [] (14-Apr-2020) |
[+] |
Added virtual machine selection for different functions in MAP files |
[+] |
Added protection macro "CHECK_DEBUGGER" |
[+] |
Added support to protect C++/CLI DLLs |
[+] |
[+] |
[+] |
Removed previous selected Virtual Machines when refreshing the input file to protect |
[+] |
x64: Improved support for bundled DLLs with managed exceptions |
[+] |
Added option "StrEncryptInDataSectionOnly" in .INI file to find strings in data sections |
[!] |
Fixed wrong exit code when output file name was missing |
[!] |
Fixed exception in 64-bit with "OPTION_VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ISOLATE_REGS=YES" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with GetModuleFileNameA under Windows XP with long file paths |
Themida [] (06-Feb-2020) |
[+] |
Added more optimizations for Windows on ARM |
[+] |
Added support for GCC map files |
[+] |
Added support in API-Wrapper for imported libraries with zero functions |
[+] |
When specific Customized Dialog is set to empty, the message will not be displayed |
[+] |
[+] |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility with specific applications and option "Delete extracted on exit" |
[!] |
Fixed hang when processing macro blocks with special invalid opcodes |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility wrapping specific Qt libraries |
[!] |
Fixed bug in specific applications with option "Perform Protection checks on VM macros" |
[!] |
x64: Fixed restoring of the R8 register when unloading a protected DLL |
[!] |
Fixed bug protecting a file with read only attributes |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixes |
Themida [] (17-Dec-2019) |
[+] |
Added Option "Optimize for Windows on ARM" |
[+] |
Added Option "Favor speed over protection" |
[+] |
Added Option "Favor size over protection" |
[+] |
Improved detection of dereferenced instructions inside protection macros |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved exception support in bundled 64-bit DLLs |
[+] |
Improved speed wrapping APIs in protection time |
[+] |
Improved detection of macro markers in specific VB6 applications |
[+] |
Improved code dereference detection in protection macros |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed bug hooking MapViewOfFile |
[!] |
Plugins: Restored location of current directory before calling plugins functions |
[!] |
STR_ENCRYPT macro was not parsed correctly on VB6 applications |
[!] |
Fixed processing of plugins relative paths when loading a project into the user interface |
[!] |
Fixed exception in "Perform Protection checks on VM macros" on very specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed exception scanning strings inside virtualizer macros when pointing to unitialized section |
[!] |
Fixed bug storing international chars in project file |
[!] |
Fixed exception when protected DLL has a very long file name |
[!] |
x64: lpvReserved parameter was not preserved on DllMain |
Themida [] (24-Oct-2019) |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility with specific mixed managed/unmanaged DLLs |
[+] |
Improved detection of jump references from outside macro markers |
[+] |
Improved detection of wrong macro markers due to compiler optimizations |
[+] |
[+] |
Added try/except support inside VM macros |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved general hooking |
[+] |
Improved detection of end of entry point in option "Entry Point Virtualization" |
[+] |
Improved support keeping debug information in applications using JclDebug |
[+] |
[+] |
Improved viewing of Protection panel with very high DPI scaling |
[+] |
Improved speed virtualizing "DOLPHIN VM" opcodes |
[+] |
Improved parsing of MAP files using multiple threads |
[+] |
Forms are centered on the screen if stored coordinates are higher than supported |
[+] |
Added option in Protection Macros panel to get the function name for a specific memory address |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with option "OPTION_ADVANCED_XBUNDLER_MATCH_PATHS" and UNC paths |
[!] |
Fixed issue resolving external jumps inside MUTATE macros |
[!] |
Fixed processing of RIP addressing on "VMOVDQU xmm_reg, [rip_displacement]" |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue with Exceptions inside VM markers when "protection checks on VM macros" was enabled |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue rebuilding the Exception Directory in some protected instances |
[!] |
XBunlder: Fixed bug in SetFilePointerEx calculating lpNewFilePointer.HighPart |
[!] |
Fixed exception removing the linking with the SDK DLL in files with mangled import table |
[!] |
Fixed parsing of RVA values in some MAP files |
[!] |
Fixed exception protecting specific .NET applications |
[!] |
x64: High DWORD in RAX was set to zero after STR_ENCRYPT |
[!] |
Fixed exception reporting long encrypted strings not removed from original location |
[!] |
.NET exception when doing MapViewOfFile on own protected process multiple times |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with option "Exception support in DLLs" with Comodo Internet Security |
[!] |
Fixed memory leak when loading/refreshing multiple applications in the User Interface |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue hooking under Steam |
[!] |
Fixed hang when processing invalid opcodes within the STR_ENCRYPT macro |
Themida [] (09-Aug-2019) |
[+] |
Added option "OPTION_ADVANCED_XBUNDLER_SKIP_ARCHITECTURE_CHECK" to allow bundling of 32-bit DLLs in a 64-bit application |
[+] |
Improved support for injected protected DLLs |
[+] |
Added option "OPTION_ADVANCED_SKIP_MEMORY_EXCEPTION_CHECKS" for better support with manual mapped protected DLLs |
[+] |
Improved handling of strings in STR_ENCRYPT macros |
[+] |
XBundler x64: Improved hooking on DLLs with ImageBase > 4Gb |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved ActiveX support |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support of ReadFile with console handle |
[+] |
Allow resizing of protection panel |
[+] |
Allow nesting of STR_ENCRYPT macros within STR_ENCRYPT macros |
[+] |
Added option to perform process hooking on inserted plugins |
[+] |
Improved speed parsing MAP files |
[+] |
Improved detection of external referenced pointers to the middle of protection macros |
[+] |
Improved VMWare/VirtualBox detection |
[!] |
Fixed removal of string from original location where referenced several times within a STR_ENCRYPT macro |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed exception on 64-bit applications when all files are marked to "Extract to disk" |
[!] |
Fixed exception when right-clicking on column title on Virtual Machines grid |
[!] |
Fixed issue with relocations in some applications using the STR_ENCRYPT macro |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue in GetModuleFileName hook |
[!] |
x64: Fixed bug when bundling DLLs inside DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed exception protecting Go applications |
[!] |
Fixed runtime exception when processing relocations with virtualization macros |
Themida [3.0] (21-Jun-2019) |
[+] |
Released to our customers |
Themida beta [3.0] (09-Apr-2018) |
[+] |
New User Interface |
[+] |
New Protection Core |
[+] |
Added Plugins support |
[+] |
Multilingual customized dialogs |
[+] |
Improved Splash feature |
[+] |
Added option to encrypt strings inside VM macros |
[+] |
Improved TLS support |
[+] |
Added Advanced Options panel for custom options |
[!] |
Removed support of CLEAR/ENCODE macros |
Themida [] (17-Feb-2017) |
[+] |
Improved recognition of macro markers in special code sequences in some applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with anti-dump VM and Symantec Encryption Desktop |
[!] |
Fixed bug mutating multi-byte NOP opcodes |
[!] |
x64: Fixed exception closing the splash screen on specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed exception processing the Import Table in very specific applications |
Themida [] (19-Sep-2016) |
[+] |
Improved support detecting dereferences macros |
[+] |
Improved protection entering into the virtual machine |
[+] |
Added command line option "/latetaggant" to protect a file and apply taggant at a later time |
[!] |
x64: Fixed .pdata section characteristics |
[!] |
x64: Fixed exception in API wrapper for very specific applications |
[!] |
Dolphin VM: Fixed exception when virtualizing a single instruction on a macro block |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_PROTECTION macro with EurekaLog 7 |
Themida [] (31-May-2016) |
[+] |
Improved internal protection |
[+] |
FISH VM: Added new protection templates |
[+] |
TIGER VM: Added new protection templates |
[+] |
Added support of STR_ENCRYPT macros inside MUTATE macros |
[+] |
Added option "StrEncryptLocale" in Themida.ini to set the current locale to find strings with the STR_ENCRYPT macro |
Themida [] (06-May-2016) |
[+] |
Added /isolate command line parameter to allow multiple instances of Themida to protect concurrently |
[+] |
Improved "Monitor Blockers" option |
[+] |
Added file version of file to protect in "File Information" panel |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support hooking already hooked functions |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with "Anti-Debug Ultra" option with latest AVG antivirus update |
[!] |
Fixed exception in protection time when combining specific Virtual Machines |
[!] |
Fixed deletion of LOG files (with option "DisableLogGeneration") when protecting via command line |
Themida [] (19-Apr-2016) |
[!] |
Fixed race condition when generating virtual machines with multi-core support |
Themida [] (01-Apr-2016) |
[+] |
Improved speed in virtual machines generation and opcodes virtualization |
[+] |
x64: Improved performance in API-Wrapper for VS2015 applications |
[+] |
Added support for enviroment variables in input/output filenames (i.e. %temp%dirfile.exe) |
[+] |
Improved support for relative paths in input/output filenames |
[!] |
Tiger64 VM: Fixed virtualization of "POP MEM16/REG16" |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue with specific anti-debug code under "Windows 8 checked build" |
[!] |
Fixed exception on specific protected .NET applications under Windows 10 Redstone |
[!] |
Fixed exception processing very long strings in STR_ENCRYPT macros |
[!] |
Fixed wrong error code when protecting specific applications via command line |
[!] |
x64: Fixed exception in specific applications when all compression options are disabled |
[!] |
Fixed exception in the internal variables relocation engine for specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed blank messagebox when Trial was manipulated and messages handled by user |
[!] |
x64: Fixed runtime detection of specific Monitor Tools |
[!] |
Fixed LOG of CustomVM macros in TMLog.txt file |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (28-Jan-2016) |
[+] |
Added new protection templates for virtual machines |
[+] |
Improved speed generating Virtual Machines under multi-core processors |
[+] |
Improved speed virtualizing code |
[+] |
Improved speed processing relocations while virtualizing code |
[+] |
x64: Improved support with x64 Structured Exception Handling in virtualized code |
[+] |
Added option "DefaultDPI" to manually increase the DPI for the GUI (in Themida.ini file) |
[+] |
XBundler x64: Improved support with x64 Structured Exception Handling in bundled DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed exception when inserting Taggant and the protected file was locked |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in specific applications with TLS and "Compress Application" disabled |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY macro in specific applications |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (13-Nov-2015) |
[+] |
Added new protection templates for all protection virtual machines |
[+] |
Fish/Tiger/Dolphin VM: Modified specific protection templates |
[+] |
Changed folder layout of "custom vm" files |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue destroying virtualized strings referenced from outside macro markers |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization bug with SCAS instruction |
[!] |
Fixed mutation of "MOV REG64, -IMM32" |
[!] |
Removed support for old CISC/RISC VMs |
[!] |
XBundler x64: Fixed exception on specific systems if file was marked to "Extract to disk" |
Themida [] (21-Sep-2015) |
[+] |
Fish/Tiger/Dolphin VM: Added new protection template |
[+] |
Improved mutation engine |
[+] |
Improved speed searching for protection macros |
[+] |
Improved support with CheckCodeIntegrity macro in specific applications |
[+] |
Improved TLS support |
[+] |
x64: Added support for "RefixRuntimeTLS" option |
[+] |
Added internal option "SkipParallelsCheck" to allow detecting virtual machines except Parallels |
[+] |
Improved SecureEngine option "ImplicitImport" |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for KernelBase!PathFileExists |
[!] |
Fixed wrong macro detection in specific code pattern |
[!] |
x64: Fixed mutation in specific x64 opcodes |
[!] |
x64: Fixed exception in WLBufferDecrypt for specific applications |
Themida [] (10-Aug-2015) |
[!] |
Fixed specific mutation template for "MOV REG, [immediate]" |
[!] |
Fixed mutation in specific FPU opcodes |
Themida [] (04-Aug-2015) |
[+] |
Improved performance in API-Wrapper |
[+] |
Improved obfuscation entering into the protection virtual machine |
[+] |
Added support in Golang applications with stack trace for virtualized code |
[+] |
Improved support mixing public with private custom vms |
[+] |
Added support to use together the "CustomLD" and "CustomImportTable" options |
[+] |
XBundler: Increased maximum size of bundled file paths |
[!] |
Dolphin VM: Fixed flags status in specific virtualized instructions |
[!] |
Dolphin VM: Fixed RIP/EIP-relative addressing |
Themida [] (22-Jun-2015) |
[+] |
Added DOLPHIN virtual machine |
[+] |
Added EAGLE virtual machine |
[+] |
Improved speed generating internal virtual machines |
[+] |
Improved speed virtualizing code |
[+] |
Added support for DPI scaling in User Interface |
[!] |
x64: Fixed heap memory leak on exit in protected 64-bit DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed exception when applying taggant in a blocked file |
Themida [] (21-May-2015) |
[+] |
FISH VM: New protection templates |
[+] |
Improved support with Unity 5 |
[+] |
x64: Added support in VM macros with x64 Structured Exception Handling |
[+] |
x64: Added support with applications with no imported functions from DLL |
[+] |
Improved detection of string references in STR_ENCRYPT macro |
[+] |
Improved support with specific compiler code sequences for CHECK_PROTECTION macro |
[+] |
Improved support in disassembler for rare multi-byte NOP opcodes |
[+] |
Improved support for dereferences inside macro markers |
[+] |
Added /controldll and /controlfunction command line parameters |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support with "XBundlerMatchPaths" option in SecureEngine Config |
[+] |
XBundler x64: Improved handling of GetFileAttributesExA / GetFileAttributesExW |
[!] |
TIGER/FISH VM: Fixed flags status after REPxx prefixes |
[!] |
x64: Fixed Taggant hash map for the digital signature directory |
[!] |
Fixed random exception when running specific protected instances in Windows XP compatibility mode |
[!] |
x64: Fixed exception on exit on very specific .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with specific anti-debug routine under Windows 10 |
[!] |
x64: Fixed detection of VirtualBox |
[!] |
x64: Fixed very random memory allocation issue when reading a license file |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue with API-Wrapper in specific applications under Windows 8 x64 |
[!] |
x64: Fixed log of wrapped APIs in User Interface |
Themida [] (05-Feb-2015) |
[+] |
Added support for IEEE Software Taggant System |
[+] |
FISH VM: Improved virtualization of "POP REG16" |
[+] |
Improved handling of STR_ENCRYPT macros |
[+] |
Added support for dereferences inside macro markers |
[+] |
Added detection for pointers outside macro markers referencing a location inside a macro |
[+] |
Preserved original Debug Directory with option "RestoreSectionsAttributes" |
[+] |
Added correct OMF LIB for x64 |
[!] |
FISH64 VM: Fixed virtualization of "XCHG REG32, [MEM32]" |
[!] |
FISH64 VM: Fixed virtualization of "XCHG REG32, REG32" |
[!] |
Fixed bug with default selected VMs when opening several projects |
[!] |
Fixed exception with internal variables randomization in very specific applications |
Themida [] (16-Sep-2014) |
[+] |
Added internal option to pass all Windows App Certification tests |
[+] |
Added support to read functions to virtualize from Excelsior MAP files |
[+] |
x64: Improved support in "Custom Messages DLL" with DLLs with "Exception Directory" |
[+] |
Added support for Load Config Directory |
[+] |
Improved merging of Virtual Machine operation handlers |
[+] |
Improved support of STR_ENCRYPT macro with specific applications |
[+] |
Redesigned target relocations module |
[+] |
Improved search of protection macros via API |
[+] |
Improved search of end function via MAP file |
[+] |
Added command line option "/xbundlerfiles" to specify a text file with all file names to embed |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of REPxx CMPSW |
[!] |
Fixed temporal hang in User Interface while virtualizing protection macros |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with protected DLLs against Microsoft Application Verifier |
[!] |
x64: Fixed virtualization of "XCHG RAX, R8" |
[!] |
Fixed very specific virtualizations of "MOV REG64, negative_32_bit_value" |
[!] |
Fixed memory issue when inserting very big Custom Messages DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed log of encrypted ANSI/UNICODE strings |
[!] |
Fixed exception processing files with corrupted Relocation Directory |
Themida [] (29-Jul-2014) |
[+] |
Added new Anti-dump VM |
[+] |
Improved internal virtualized opcode tester |
[+] |
Redesigned handling of virtualized FLAGS |
[+] |
Improved virtualization of joined instructions |
[+] |
Improved protection stage on memory above 2Gb |
[+] |
Improved obfuscation to enter inside a Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Modified behavior of "RefixRuntimeTLS" option |
[!] |
TIGER VM: Fixed virtualization of "PUSH IMM16" |
[!] |
TIGER VM: Fixed restoring of Carry flag in DEC/INC opcode |
[!] |
x64: Fixed very random exception in API-Wrapper |
[!] |
FISH VM: Fixed flags in DEC/INC [word/byte] opcodes |
[!] |
Fixed exception in "Custom Messages DLL" when displaying "VMware detected" message |
Themida [] (26-May-2014) |
[+] |
Added Sandbox detection option (Protection Options panel) |
[+] |
Improved performance in Virtual Machines generation (in protection stage) |
[+] |
Improved "Automatic VM Selection" in Virtual Machine panel |
[+] |
Optimized search of macros inserted via "defined assembly function" |
[!] |
Fish VM: Fixed flags operation in specific 8-bit instructions |
[!] |
x64: Fixed virtualization of REP/REPNZ/REPZ prefixes |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (15-Apr-2014) |
[+] |
FISH VM: New protection templates |
[+] |
Added support with McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention with internal Virtual Machine calls |
[+] |
Added support in User Interface to run under Wine |
[+] |
Improved support in option "KeepDebugInfo" for .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed bug in ENCODE and CLEAR macros when ASRL is present |
[!] |
Fixed bug displaying the Splash screen in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of "REP (qword) string-op" |
[!] |
XBundler x64: Fixed compatibility issue in some applications with LoadLibrary under Windows 8 |
Themida [] (18-Mar-2014) |
[+] |
Added PUMA VM (White, Red, Black) |
[+] |
Added SHARK VM (White, Red, Black) |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine Config option "RestoreSectionAttributtes" |
[+] |
Improved TLS support |
[+] |
Added ASLR support in EXE files |
[+] |
Added support for specific Delphi 64-bit DLLs used as "Custom Messages DLL" |
[+] |
Added support with EurekaLog 7 |
[+] |
Added log of processed CheckCodeIntegrity/CheckProtection/CheckVirtualPC macros |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved option "XBundlerExceptionSupport" in 64-bit applications |
[!] |
Fixed false Monitor Detection on very specific systems |
[!] |
Flags were not preserved in "RET" opcode virtualization |
[!] |
Fixed memory allocation problem when opening several projects in the User Interface |
[!] |
Fixed "Keep original date time" that was not working correctly in some protected instances |
[!] |
XBundler: Fized memory leak hooking "FindFirstFileEx" |
Themida [] (18-Dec-2013) |
[+] |
TIGER VM: New protection templates |
[+] |
FISH VM: New protection templates |
[+] |
TIGER VM: Improved virtualization of "PUSH IMM8" |
[+] |
Improved relative paths protection |
[!] |
x32: Fixed compatibility in API wrapper with specific MingGW DLLs |
[!] |
TIGER VM: Fixed virtualization of "REPNZ SCAS" |
[!] |
FISH VM: Fixed virtualization of "REPNZ SCAS" |
[!] |
FISH VM: Fixed flags in "CMPS" virtualization |
[!] |
x64: Fixed mutation of "CQO" instruction |
Themida [] (14-Oct-2013) |
[+] |
TIGER VM: New protection templates |
[+] |
FISH VM: New protection templates |
[+] |
x64: Improved support of 3dsMax plugins |
[+] |
Improved internal grammar to design VM architectures |
[+] |
Improved internal virtualization opcode tester |
[!] |
TIGER VM: Fixed virtualization of "PUSH IMM16" |
[!] |
FISH VM: Fixed exception generating specific instances of "FISH black" VM |
Themida [] (03-Oct-2013) |
[+] |
New Virtual Machine model available |
[+] |
New Virtual Machine added (TIGER architecture) |
[+] |
New Virtual Machine added (FISH architecture) |
[+] |
Improved protection for AutoIT applications |
[+] |
Added virtualization of specific multi-byte NOP opcode |
[+] |
Virtual Machine generation and virtualization using multi-core processor |
[!] |
Fixed exception parsing MAP files with very long decorated names |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with "GetFileInformationByHandle" in specific applications |
[!] |
XBundler x64: Fixed compatibility issue bundling specific 64-bit DLLs |
[!] |
XBundler x64: Fixed hooking of SetFilePointerEx |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue on specific Windows Embedded |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed very rare bug on specific applications when selected option extract to disk |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (10-Apr-2013) |
[+] |
New interface for "Protect panel" (with detailed protection log) |
[+] |
Improved protection time |
[+] |
x64: Improved support in Thread Engine for system DLLs |
[+] |
Improved log for strings encrypted with the STR_ENCRYPTW macro |
[+] |
Improved support using a protected DLL with third parties bundling solutions |
[+] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with LoadLibraryExW in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed bug in .NET applications that affected the return value of Directory.Exists method |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue with some .NET applications |
[!] |
x32: Fixed compatibility issue in API-Wrapper in very specific applications |
[!] |
CodeReplace macros removed. Now they are recognized as VM macros |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue in CopyFile with UNICODE filenames |
Themida [] (04-Jan-2013) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue under .NET Framework 4.5 RTM |
Themida [] (28-Dec-2012) |
[+] |
Improved support with Billenium Effects component |
[+] |
x64: Improved mutation of negative RIP addressings |
[+] |
x64: Added support for Codejock skinable applications |
[+] |
x64: Improved internal exception handling for Windows 8 x64 |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support with Qtcore plugins |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved unloading of bundled DLLs |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility with api-ms-win-core files |
[!] |
Fixed exception loading applications with incorrect PE header |
[!] |
Fixed return date value in GetFileAttributes hooking for .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with option "ImplicitImport" in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed exception removing the relocation section on specific EXE files |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of "IDIV [stack_pointer]" in CISC VM |
[!] |
x64: Fixed virtualization of "MOVZX/MOVSX dword" in CISC VM |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue in license decryption under Windows 8 x64 |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue processing Manifests in some x64 applications |
[!] |
x64: Fixed exception in protection time for some .NET applications |
[!] |
x64: XBundler: Fixed bad extraction to disk when "Extract to disk" was selected |
Themida [] (25-Jul-2012) |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with Windows 8 |
[+] |
Added macros support for PureBasic x64 |
[+] |
x64: Added MSVC90 manifest for 64-bit applications in "Add Manifest" option |
[+] |
Added compatibility with IObit Malware Fighter |
[+] |
x64: Improved support for multi-byte NOP opcodes |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support bundling protected DLLs |
[+] |
x64: XBundler: Improved compatibility embedding native DLLs inside .NET applications |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue in internal disassembler with CVTDQ2PD and COMISD opcodes |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue in API-Wrapper with specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed memory leak loading and unloading a protected DLL multiple times |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with compressed resources when linking with IPHLPAPI.DLL under Windows XP |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue with option "Hide from PE-Scanners -> Type 5" |
[!] |
x64: Fixed specific mutation in CISC-2 processors |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue in API-Wrapper for specific applications |
[!] |
x64: Fixed relocations issue wih virtualization of negative RIP addressing |
[!] |
Fixed bug in LOG file reporting wrong number of CheckCodeIntegrity macros processed |
[!] |
Fixed length of string in STR_ENCRYPT macro for VB applications |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility with STR_ENCRYPT macro in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed bug parsing empty MAP files |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed GUI file locking after protection |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue bundling multiple empty files |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue in GetFileAttributesEx with specific Qtcore applications |
Themida [] (20-Feb-2012) |
[+] |
Added support with Rockey4ND |
[+] |
Improved module to avoid specific APIs from being wrapped |
[+] |
Improved handling of protected DLLs when they are loaded/unloaded multiple times |
[+] |
Improved extraction of strings in STR_ENCRYPT macro |
[+] |
Improved log of processed protection macros |
[+] |
Improved handling of protection macros in different code sections |
[+] |
x64: Improved handling of RIP instructions in VM macros |
[+] |
x64: Improved handling of RIP instructions in MUTATE macros |
[+] |
Added support for Drag&Drop project files |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine Config option: "ExternalEnvelope" to improve compatibility when re-packing an application |
[+] |
Added detection of Parallel Mac Desktop |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support for Unicode FindFirstFile/FindNextFile |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved option "Extract file to disk" |
[+] |
XBundler: Added "%app_folder%" as extraction constant to extract to current folder or subfolders |
[+] |
XBundler: Added option "Extract if CRC is different" for option "Write to disk?" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with STR_ENCRYPTW returning the string size for Delphi XE2 |
[!] |
x64: Fixed handling of "MOVS mem, xmm" in RISC VM |
[!] |
x64: Fixed detection of macros via "defined macros in assembly language" |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue in MUTATE macro |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_PROTECTION macro in specific applications |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue reading from MAP file |
[!] |
x64: Fixed handling of multi-byte NOP opcodes in MUTATE macro |
[!] |
Fixed mutation of "LOOP" and "JECXZ" instructions in MUTATE macro |
[!] |
Fixed nested macro detection on specific applications |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (20-Oct-2011) |
[+] |
Added Macros support for Delphi XE2 64-bit applications |
[+] |
Improved support protecting AutoIt applications |
[+] |
Added macro insertion support in x64 applications without requiring SecureEngine library |
[+] |
Improved finalization of protected DLLs under Windows 9x systems |
[+] |
Improved compatibility of specific antidebug feature under GameGuard |
[+] |
Improved compatibility in STR_ENCRYPT macro with specific applications |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine option "DisableOverlayEncrypt" to support specific Macromedia Flash files |
[+] |
x32: Improved compatibility with SecureEngine option "DisablePrefetch" in DLLs |
[+] |
x64: Improved compatibility with API-Wrapper in specific applications |
[+] |
Added log of strings encrypted with STR_ENCRYPT macro |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support for GetPrivateProfile APIs |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support bundling big (and compressed) files |
[!] |
Fixed exit of application when monitor application is started after protected application |
[!] |
Fixed support in Anti-File patching option under Windows 9x systems |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY macro in specific applications with debug code section |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with STR_ENCRYPTW_START inside STR_ENCRYPT_START macro |
[!] |
Fixed log for processed CheckVirtualPC macros |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in API-Wrapper under Windows 8 |
[!] |
x64: Fixed compatibility issue with specific protected DLLs on Vista x64 SP2 |
[!] |
x64: Fixed VMWare detection in CHECK_VIRTUAL_PC macro |
Themida [] (18-May-2011) |
[+] |
Improved VMWare detection |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with IE9 plugins |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with conditional jumps in MUTATE macro |
[+] |
Improved compatibility in antidebug for embeded protected DLLs |
[+] |
Improved compatibility in applications that are using STR_ENCRYPT and STR_ENCRYPTW at the same time |
[+] |
Improved Entry Point Virtualization in protected DLLs |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine option "DisablePrefetch" to increase performance in applications that are launched multiples times per minute |
[+] |
Added detection of too big VM/CodeReplace macros |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support with Unicode folder names |
[+] |
XBundler: Added multi selection of files |
[+] |
XBundler: Displayed number of files to bundle in User Interface |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support when bundling thousands of files |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved handling of GetModuleFileNameW |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support of .INI files |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue parsing MAP files with very long decorated names |
[!] |
Fixed hang with Splash screen on specific .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed random hang displaying a custom splash screen on specific applications |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with Yamaha MIDI keyboards runtime DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed minor introduced bugs in latest version with new cross-platform code |
Themida [] (09-Mar-2011) |
[+] |
Added macro "STR_ENCRYPT" to encrypt/decrypt in Virtual Machine all strings inside the macro markers |
[+] |
Added macro "MUTATE" to allow developers mutating specific code areas |
[+] |
Improved API-Wrapping in applications with huge import table |
[+] |
Improved memory allocation when protecting huge PE files (> 300Mb) |
[+] |
Improved compatibility in Thread Engine with protected plugins |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with specific .NET 4 applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for LockFile/LockFileEx |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility bundling protected DLLs |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support for GetPrivateProfile APIs in UNICODE systems |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of specific Bit Test opcodes |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with .NET applications on Windows XP Embedded |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with SEH handler in specific DLLs |
Themida [] (22-Dec-2010) |
[+] |
Added macro status (Nested, missing marker, etc.) for each macro in "Protection Macros" panel |
[+] |
Improved scanning of protection macros |
[+] |
Improved loading of last project open |
[+] |
Detection in command line protecting a 64-bit application |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support in option "XBundlerHookMainOnly" for DLLs |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support protecting DLLs that embed other files/DLLs |
[+] |
XBundler: Added detection bundling 64-bit DLLs in 32-bit applications |
[!] |
Fixed "/ignore" command when protecting an already protected application from command line |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in API-Wrapper with some Visual Basic native applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in new Macros Engine when multiple CHECK_PROTECTION macros are present |
[!] |
Fixed processing of "cmpsd xmm, xmm, imm" in VM/CodeReplace macros |
Themida [] (14-Dec-2010) |
[+] |
Added Protection Macros panel (instead of CodeReplace panel) |
[+] |
Redesigned Macros Engine module that supports inline and functions macro insertion |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine option "XBundlerMatchPaths" |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved bundling of files/DLLs inside protected DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed bug in protection added in version affecting some Windows 2000 machines |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of "POP [ESP + XX]" |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (15-Nov-2010) |
[+] |
Improved obfuscation engine |
[+] |
Added support for Macromedia Projector applications |
[+] |
Improved compatibility in specific systems where memory is not immediately refreshed in code decryption |
[+] |
Improved support packing big EXE files (>200Mb) |
[+] |
Improved handling of DLL_PROCESS_DETACH |
[+] |
Removed runtime changes in process priority |
[+] |
Added PowerBasic include files for protection macros |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support of LoadImage function in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed very random bug which produced some invalid protected instances |
[!] |
Fixed random internal exception on very specific computers |
[!] |
Fixed VMWare detection under Windows 9x |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in Anti-File Patching with specific UNICODE folder names |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with specific Excelsior JET applications |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed exception bundling big files from different target path |
Themida [] (22-Jul-2010) |
[+] |
Redesigned insertion of CodeReplace macros via MAP file |
[+] |
Added compatibility with CliSecure applications |
[+] |
Improved multithread support for .NET applications |
[+] |
Added possibility to use external compressor instead of internal one |
[+] |
Improved command line protection in case of internal error while protecting |
[+] |
Improved ImplicitImport option in SecureEngine config |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine Config option "XBundlerSkipL2" |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine option "CustomEnv" to set an environment variable to a custom value in runtime |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility with multithreaded applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support in UNICODE functions |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for DLLs with bigger RAW code section than VA code section |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved dragging of files |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved handling of several embedded files with same name |
[!] |
Fixed memory allocation error when using CheckCodeIntegrity macro with multiple VM macros |
[!] |
Fixed TYPELIB resources compression |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with AntidumpVM in specific DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed issue stripping relocations in specific .NET applications |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (30-Apr-2010) |
[+] |
Improved compatibility in internal variables engine with specific applications |
[+] |
Improved resource compression for applications with already compressed resources |
[+] |
Improved API-Wrapping handling in applications with big amount of imported APIs |
[+] |
Improved Virtual Machine environment detection |
[+] |
Added option in Themida config file to use paths relatives to the project file |
[+] |
Added support for Director 11.5 applications |
[+] |
Improved virtualization of Bit Test opcodes |
[+] |
Improved option ImplicitImport in SecureEngine config |
[+] |
Optimized API-Wrapper for AutoIt applications |
[+] |
Added option to strip exports table in SecureEngine Config panel |
[+] |
XBundler: Added internal option to specify the CLSID of embedded DLLs to check for registration in ActiveX configuration |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility with specific Flash applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility for .NET applications with ELEVATECREATEPROCESS flag under Windows 7 |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved "Extract always" option |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of BTR/BTS dword |
[!] |
Fixed very random bug with API-Wrapper Level 2 on specific computers |
[!] |
Fixed support with JCLDebug |
[!] |
Fixed issue with prefetch queue on i7/i9 processors |
[!] |
Fixed protection of specific .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed ExitProcess code for .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed introduced bug in previous version for specific VB applications |
[!] |
Fixed random bug in compression engine for specific applications |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (18-Dec-2009) |
[+] |
Internal changes in protection engine |
[+] |
Tested against .NET framework 4 beta |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY macro mixing VM and ENCODE macros |
[+] |
Improved TLS handling in specific Delphi/BCB applications |
[+] |
Added compatibility in .NET applications with ELEVATECREATEPROCESS flag under Windows 7 |
[+] |
Improved handling of DLLs with only ordinals in export table |
[+] |
Improved compression with StopMerging option enabled |
[+] |
Improved handling of IAT in specific C++ Builder 2010 applications |
[+] |
Improved parsing of Visual Basic macros |
[+] |
Improved processing of CodeReplace macros in applications with multiple code sections |
[+] |
Improved option "StopMerging" in SecureEngine |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine Config option "XBundlerActiveXcheck" |
[+] |
Improved concurrent projects protection via command line |
[+] |
Added command line parameter "\q" to avoid displaying protection output |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved cleaning of bundled DLLs in .NET applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved "ActiveX support" for specific OCXs/DLLs |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved option "Extract to disk" |
[+] |
XBundler: Added feature to skip specific DLLs from ActiveX registration |
[!] |
Fixed API-Wrapper Level 2 for applications with ordinal imports from Kernel32.dll |
[!] |
Fixed Overlay issue with Hide from PE-Scanners option |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY with DLL relocations |
[!] |
Fixed antidump-VM in applications with mixed managed and unmanaged code |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with specific antidump-VM in some DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed API-Wrapping of SendNotifyMessageW in specific Windows versions |
[!] |
Fixed Anti-File Patching in specific .NET applications running under Windows 2008 (under Chinesse path) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility in specific .NET applications running under Windows XP Chinesse version |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (14-Aug-2009) |
[+] |
Full compatibility under MAC/Wine and MAC/Crossover |
[+] |
Improved CHECK_VIRTUAL_PC macro for protected DLLs |
[+] |
Added detection of already compressed code/data in unprotected application/DLL |
[+] |
Improved compatibility protecting specific applications with huge allocation of memory from PE header |
[+] |
Compatibility improvements in option "Protect as DLL plugin" |
[+] |
Updated PureBasic include files for CHECK_PROTECTION, CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY and CHECK_VIRTUAL_PC macros |
[+] |
XBundler: Relative paths allowed to parents folders (drag files with CTRL key pressed) |
[!] |
Fixed introduced bug in version 2.0.9 when using 8 CISC VMs |
[!] |
Fixed hang when protecting from a Windows 9x/Me machine |
[!] |
Fixed TLS handling in specific applications |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue bundling .EXE files in specific .NET applications |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed introduced bug in 2.0.9 in data decryption in specific applications |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (10-Jul-2009) |
[+] |
Added macro CHECK_VIRTUAL_PC to know if an application is running under VMWare/VirtualPC |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with Crossover Mac |
[+] |
Improved virtualization of x86 Direction Flag |
[+] |
Added support to protect WinDev applications |
[+] |
Improved handling of relocations in DLLs |
[+] |
Added option "Destroy Exports" in Control Messages from DLL |
[+] |
Improved relocations of undefined opcodes in Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Improved support protecting DLLs with stripped relocations |
[+] |
XBundler: Support for KernelBase.dll hooking in Windows 7 |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for RealBasic 9.2 |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility with specific Flash applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved ReHookingEnabled option |
[+] |
XBundler: Added error message when file cannot be extracted to disk (when "Extract to disk" option is enabled) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with multiple CISC VMs in specific DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with Antimonitor and VPN Connector |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with antidump VM in applications with mixed .NET and native code |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (07-May-2009) |
[+] |
Improved compatibility in CHECK_PROTECTION macro |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY macro |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with "Hide from PE Scanners --> Type 4" in specific applications |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with "ImplicitImport" option for specific DLLs |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with API-Wrapping Level 2 in specific applications |
[+] |
Opcodes inside the Unprotected macro are now scrambled |
[+] |
Added compatibility with anti-debug and Rising PC Doctor antivirus |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility with specific RealBasic applications |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with SearchPathW |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of "xchg REG32, ESP" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in CHECK_PROTECTION for specific DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 7 build 7077 |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (25-Mar-2009) |
[+] |
Added new anti-dump VM |
[+] |
Improved detection of APIs to protect in API-Wrapping engine |
[+] |
Improved merging of sections in specific applications |
[+] |
Added compatibility with ImplicitImport option (in SecureEngine Config) and WinlicenseSDK.dll |
[+] |
Added check to detect if resources are already compressed |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine config option "NoThreadEngine" to disable the thread engine in protected application |
[+] |
Added SecureEngine config option "XBundlerHookMainOnly" to hook only main executable module |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support for FindFirstFileW API in specific applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved compatibility with option "ActiveX" when DLL is selected to be extracted to disk |
[!] |
Fixed compilation error for multiple CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY in Borland C applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed exception searching for CHECK_PROTECTION macros in specific applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in specific anti-dump VM |
[!] |
Fixed file patching check |
[!] |
Fixed exception when translating some components into Russian |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (23-Feb-2009) |
[+] |
Added CHECK_CODE_INTEGRITY macro to check if code section is patched |
[+] |
Improved internal variables engine |
[+] |
Improved some internal protections |
[+] |
Added new Antidump VM |
[+] |
Fully tested against Windows 7 beta |
[+] |
All protection code passes Application Verifier tests |
[+] |
Improved virtualization of "ADC [ESP + imm]" instruction |
[+] |
Improved constant hidding in Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Improved File Patching protection |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with CHECK_PROTECTION macro in specific DLLs |
[+] |
Improved compatibility protecting applications with mangled PE header |
[+] |
Improved detection and relocation control in CheckProtection macros in DLLs |
[+] |
Improved option "KeepDebugInfo" in SecureEngineConfig.ini |
[+] |
Included log of CheckProtection macros in TMlog.txt/WLlog.txt |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved handling of SearchPathW |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with anti-debug protection in very specific computers |
[!] |
Fixed detection of nested CodeReplace macros |
[!] |
Refresh button was not updating the CodeReplace panel |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (18-Dec-2008) |
[+] |
Added CHECK_PROTECTION macro to check the status of the protection |
[+] |
Improved Dynamic Opcodes generation in Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Added internal option to preserve Debug data in protected application |
[+] |
Improved internal exception handler |
[+] |
Improved macro recognition in Visual Basic applications |
[+] |
Added Type 4 and Type 5 in "Hide PE Scanners" option |
[+] |
Improved loader for applications with huge allocation of memory from the PE header |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with API-Wrapper in systems with mangled Kernel32.dll |
[+] |
Added option "DelayTLSloading" in SecureEngineConfig.ini for compatibility with specific VS2005 DLLs |
[+] |
Added internal option to skip specific APIs from being protected by the API-Wrapper |
[+] |
Added option "Run as admin in Vista" manifest in Advanced Options panel |
[+] |
XBundler: Added ActiveX support |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with PowerBuilder applications under Windows 9x/Me |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue removing relocations section in DLL with not aligned sections |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with option "Delete Extracted files on exit" in VB applications |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed return value in kernel32._lclose |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (31-Oct-2008) |
[+] |
New internal protections |
[+] |
Improved .NET protection compatibility with other .NET obfuscators |
[+] |
Added Type 3 in "Hide PE Scanners" option |
[+] |
Improved support in "DLL Plugin" option |
[+] |
Improved unloading of imported libraries in protected DLLs |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with Type 2 in "Hide PE Scanners" for specific applications |
[+] |
Added option to keep original date time in protected application |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with "ImplicitImport = true" option under Windows 9x/Me |
[+] |
Improved protection of specific applications when merging .bss sections |
[+] |
Improved import of customized dialogs |
[+] |
Optimized allocation of virtual memory |
[+] |
Added relative paths support in command line protection |
[+] |
Added macros include file for D language (Thanks Bryan Power) |
[+] |
Minor improvements in User Interface |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved exception handling in ReadFile |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with Type 2 in "Hide PE Scanners" under Windows 9x/Me |
[!] |
Fixed displaying of error messages when splash screen option is enabled |
[!] |
Improved Virtual Machine detection under Windows 9x/Me |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (03-Sep-2008) |
[+] |
Improved VM anti-dump technology |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with specific .NET applications |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with Application Verifier |
[+] |
Improved clean up in protected DLLs (linked with Visual Studio runtime libraries) |
[+] |
Improved protection log generation |
[+] |
Minor improvements in User Interface |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved handling of LoadLibraryExW |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with "Hide Pe Scanners" option in some .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with option "Hide PE scanners" in some applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue compressing resources in specific .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with specific applications under Windows 2003 Server (no Service Pack) |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (10-Jul-2008) |
[+] |
Improved support protecting PowerBuilder 11 applications |
[+] |
Protection macros log when a file is protected |
[+] |
Added compatibility with specific DLLs used for wide API-Hooking |
[+] |
XBundler: Added extraction path constants: %userdocs%, %userappdata%, %localappdata%, %commonappdata% |
[!] |
Fixed bug loading new files to protect under Windows 2008 Server x64 |
[!] |
Fixed relocations issue under Vista for specific DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed fake debugger detection when using Ultra Debugger option with XBundler |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (05-Jun-2008) |
[+] |
Improved Virtual Machine technology |
[+] |
Added new anti-dump Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Improved protection via command line when SecureEngineConfig.ini is present |
[+] |
Added "Hide from PE scanners" option |
[+] |
Improved Entry Point protection in some applications |
[+] |
Added support protecting applications without aligned sections |
[+] |
Added drag&drop functionality in Application Information panel |
[+] |
Added MSVCR90 (VS2008) manifest in Advanced Options panel |
[+] |
Improved command line protection |
[+] |
Added option "XBundlerExceptionSupport" in SecureEngineConfig.ini, to improve exception handling in bundled DLLs under Windows Server 2008 |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved support bundling mixed .NET and native DLLs |
[+] |
XBundler: Added ReHookingEnabled option (in SecureEngineConfig.ini) to hook already hooked functions |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with specific .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with Chinese folder paths in some .NET applications |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility with GetPrivateProfileInt under Vista with UAC enabled |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (13-Mar-2008) |
[+] |
Improved option "Protect as DLL plugin" for x64 systems |
[+] |
Added compatibility with System.ExceptObjProc hooking RaiseException |
[+] |
Improved exception handling under Vista |
[+] |
Added SecureEngineConfig.ini option: "ImplicitImport" to load all imported DLLs via Windows loader |
[+] |
Added SecureEngineConfig.ini option: "ImplicitRedirection" to avoid redirection of "CALL/JMP [API]" calls |
[+] |
Added SecureEngineConfig.ini option: "DisableNetencrypt2" for .NET applications |
[+] |
Added SecureEngineConfig.ini option: "PartialHooking" for .NET applications |
[+] |
Compatibility to protect special Flash (.EXE) applications |
[+] |
Added command line swith "/h" to display help about command line options |
[+] |
Added Persian language localization (Thanks Ebrahim Mirzazadeh) |
[!] |
Fixed return value in DLLMain for protected DLLs when abnormal exit occurs |
[!] |
Fixed exception when passing relative path names in "/inputfile" command line parameter |
[!] |
Fixed compression bug which affected some embedded files with XBundler |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (23-Jan-2008) |
[+] |
Added support for Excelsior Jet 6.0 applications |
[+] |
Added overlay protection for AutoIt compiled applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for GetPrivateProfileSectionA, GetPrivateProfileSectionW, GetPrivateProfileIntW, GetPrivateProfileStringW |
[+] |
Added support for PowerBuilder 9 applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Added option "GetPrivateProfile APIs support" |
[+] |
XBundler: Allow injection of data files and DLLs inside PowerBuilder applications and Flash applications |
[!] |
Fixed exception when AntiFile patching was enabled and rest of options disabled |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue emulating FPU instructions in some DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue protecting applications with just one byte overlay |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed return value for SearchPath |
[!] |
XBundler: fixed compatibility issue with FindFirstFile in network shared folders |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (12-Dec-2007) |
[+] |
Improved compatibility in API-Wrapper with special system wide hooks |
[+] |
Added support to protect .NET applications compiled with VS 2008 |
[+] |
Added compatibility with SecureWave |
[+] |
Added support to protect DLLs with empty Import Table |
[!] |
Fixed bug emulating "repnz cmps" instruction under CISC VMs |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue compressing resources in some .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue running some .NET applications in XP Compatibility under Vista |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed in API-Wrapper for some applications |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (20-Nov-2007) |
[+] |
Added Custom DLL to give full control of each displayed message (like multilanguage support) |
[+] |
Improved protections |
[+] |
Added option to insert extra manifest information in the protected application |
[+] |
Optimized API-Wrapper |
[+] |
Compatibility with TruPrevent technology in Panda IS2008 and .NET applications |
[+] |
Improved compatibility under x64 systems for protected plugins |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support to bundle DLLs with multiple cross linking with other embedded DLLs |
[!] |
XBundler: Minor bugs fixed in FindNextFileW |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue virtualizing code in DLLs with null entries in relocations table |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (21-Sep-2007) |
[+] |
Improved protection |
[+] |
Improved compatibility loading/unloading system wide hooks |
[+] |
Improved .NET protection |
[+] |
Added antidebugger detection |
[+] |
Optimized loading of .NET framework |
[+] |
Added compatibility with "Billenium Effects VCL" API hooking |
[+] |
"IndirectAPIcall" option in SecureEngineConfig.ini for better compatibility with application API hooking |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved handling of statically linked DLLs when bundled |
[!] |
Fixed false positive detection by NOD32 in some protected applications |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization in CISC VMs for "LEA reg32, [esp + reg32 * imm + imm32]" |
[!] |
Fixed problem in very big VM macros under CISC virtual machines |
[!] |
XBundler: DLLs marked with "extract to disk" failed when statically linked with the protected application |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility with OpenGL dlls |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with ReadFile using Overlapped.OffsetHigh |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (24-Aug-2007) |
[+] |
Internal protections added |
[+] |
Added new Antidump VM technique |
[+] |
Added support to protect applications with incompatible TLS directory |
[+] |
GUI improvements under Vista |
[!] |
Fixed issue with dynamic decryption in VIA Esther x86 processors |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with AntiDump VM in specific applications |
[!] |
XBundler: fixed compatibility issue bundling some dlls with .bss section |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (02-Aug-2007) |
[+] |
Added support for VS2007 applications |
[+] |
Added File Patching option to support signed files |
[+] |
Added support to protect DLLs with empty relocation table |
[+] |
Improved compatibility with some .NET applicatins under Vista |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility wrapping ICMP.IcmpCreateFile |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility in some applicatons with API-Wrapper enabled and running under Wine |
[!] |
.NET: fixed compatibility issue loading libraries as image resource |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with some DLLs protected with Code Virtualizer + Themida/WinLicense |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (30-Jun-2007) |
[+] |
Added Ultra debugger detection option |
[+] |
Improved exit of .NET applications under Vista |
[+] |
Added support protecting DLLs with EntryPoint = 0 |
[+] |
Every option can be customized from command line using INI file |
[+] |
Added "Fake Stack emulation" switch for compatibility with some PureBasic applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Added "Deleted extracted on exit" for .NET applications XBundler: Added "Deleted extracted on exit" for .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed random bug in decompression module for specific applications |
Themida [] (05-Jun-2007) |
[+] |
New internal protections |
[+] |
Added API-Wrapper Levels (Protection Options panel) |
[+] |
.NET: Improved compatibility with some .NET applications with non standard COM directory |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with some applications when generating a crash dump |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue retrieving the start address of functions in MAP files for Visual Basic applications |
Themida [] (11-May-2007) |
[+] |
Multi-Language support in User Interface (Advanced Options->Localization) |
[+] |
Improved Entry Point protection |
[+] |
Improved API checksums |
[+] |
Added support to specify file to protect from command line (instead of application in project file) |
[+] |
SecureEngineConfig.ini: "ImportLib" entry is only applied when the library is imported directly |
[+] |
New include file for PureBasic macros (Thanks Mitchell Vincent) |
[+] |
Any protection message in Customized Dialogs can be skipped from being displayed |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue registering DLLs on Vista with UAC enabled |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with Vista Themes in some protected applications |
[!] |
Fixed bug wrapping import table for specific big applications (> 20Mb) |
Themida [] (28-Mar-2007) |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved UNICODE support in CreateFileW |
[!] |
Fixed random bug which produced invalid PE headers for some applications |
[!] |
Wine: Fixed compatibility issue with antidebug under Wine |
[!] |
Wine: Fixed compatibility issue with API-Wrapper under Wine for some applications |
Themida [] (05-Mar-2007) |
[+] |
Improved Anti-VM dump |
[+] |
"StopMergingSection" option now works on EXEs and DLLs |
[+] |
Added option to link specific DLLs by import table |
[+] |
XBundler: Added option "Delete extracted files on exit" |
[+] |
XBundler: Improved multithread access to bundled files |
[+] |
XBundler: Drag & Drop folders |
[!] |
Advanced Options settings where not processed when protecting via command line |
[!] |
Fixed issue with DEP enabled when registering some DLLs |
[!] |
"Play sound when protection finished" made exception if no wave device present |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (16-Feb-2007) |
[+] |
Internal improvements |
[+] |
Process Explorer detection can be now enabled from SecureEngineConfig.ini |
[+] |
Detection of DLLs that are registered via regsvr32 |
[+] |
Last Project loaded in user interface |
[+] |
XBundler: Allow injecting files from non relative path |
[+] |
XBundler: AVI support option imported to User Interface |
[!] |
Fixed memory issues in some computers with more that 2Gb memory |
[!] |
Minor bug fixed in debugger detection for very specific computers |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed on Vista |
Themida [] (08-Feb-2007) |
[+] |
Improved internal protection |
[+] |
New Anti-Monitors detections added |
[+] |
Optional sound when protection completes |
[+] |
Imported DLLs not required being present in protection time |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with Multi-Branch Technology under Intel Core 2 duo processors |
[!] |
Fixed API-Wrapping for applications importing MSVCP80.DLL |
[!] |
Fixed hang when protecting via command line for some applications |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of "lock XADD [reg32], reg32" instruction |
[!] |
Fixed exception compressing resources in rare applications |
[!] |
Fixed relocations problem with very specific DLLs |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with some applications bundling AVI files |
Themida [] (14-Dec-2006) |
[+] |
Multi-Branch Technology in Virtual Machine (see Virtual Machine panel) |
[+] |
New internal mutation engine |
[+] |
Added new detections for monitor tools |
[+] |
Improved compatibility bundling protected DLLs in XBundler |
[+] |
XBundler: support for environment variables in extraction path (i.e. %TEMP%) |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support to embed protected DLLs with Anti-Patching enabled |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with user interface when running with restricter user's rights |
[!] |
Fixed problem in some DLLs with relocations when "StopMergingSection" is enabled |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed dependencies issues between embedded DLLs when loaded from a subdirectory |
Themida [] (06-Nov-2006) |
[+] |
Added compatibility with Wine |
[+] |
Added anti File Patching option (Protection Options panel) |
[+] |
Added support to protect applications with invalid relocations directory |
[+] |
Added internal option to stop merging sections (SecureEngineConfig.ini) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue protecting APIs in applications with side-by-side assemblies |
[!] |
Fixed memory leak unloading protected DLLs when Resources compression was enabled |
[!] |
Correct displaying of different UNICODE character sets in User Interface |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with null TLS array for some protected ActiveX controls |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed interaction with .NET assemblies protection in some applications |
Themida [] (23-Oct-2006) |
[+] |
Added .NET support for Windows Vista RC2 |
[+] |
Added support for "Excelsior JET" applications |
[+] |
Added new file monitor detection |
[+] |
Added log with all protection settings when an application is protected |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for LoadImageA |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility with API-Wrapping for global hooked APIs in some systems |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with .NET assemblies protection under Windows Vista |
[!] |
Debugger Message was still displayed when selecting "Exit Silently" when debugger found |
Themida [] (06-Oct-2006) |
[+] |
Added new processor (CISC-2) in virtual machine |
[+] |
Added support for "Exe4j" applications |
[+] |
Added support for PowerBuilder applications |
[+] |
Added new anti-dump for Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Added emulation of non allocated stack values for VM macros in PureBasic |
[+] |
Added support for applications which assume the .BSS section initialized to zero |
[+] |
Improved Flash application detection |
[+] |
XBundler: Optimized search of bundled DLLs |
[+] |
Added include file and macro example for PureBasic |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue when using Virtual API-Wrapping + CLEAR macros in some applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility wrapping some APIs under specific versions of Windows 2000/XP |
Themida [] (12-Sep-2006) |
[+] |
Added support with .NET XenoCode applications |
[+] |
Added support for DLLs with shared PE sections for API-Hooking |
[+] |
Support to load dependant DLLs when registering a protected DLL from a external directory |
[+] |
Displaying CodeReplace macros virtualization while protecting application |
[+] |
Displaying Virtual API-Wrapper status while protecting application |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with anti-Monitor under Windows Vista x64 |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue emulating some instructions with mutable CISC processors |
[!] |
Fixed problem with corrupted project files |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with high percent of dynamic opcodes in mutable CISC processors |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility with GetPrivateProfile in UNICODE systems |
Themida [] (05-Sep-2006) |
[+] |
Added CPU customization for virtual machine |
[+] |
Added new mutable RISC-128 processor (virtual machine) |
[+] |
Added new mutable CISC processor (virtual machine) |
[+] |
Multiprocessor option for CISC virtual machine |
[+] |
Added stats (complexity, size, speed) for selected processor |
[+] |
Added hour glass icon in splash screen if displaying splash by number of seconds |
[+] |
Exact displaying time of splash screen (independently of computer speed) |
[+] |
Added compatibility with new API-Hooking in Kaspersky antivirus (from update 01-Sep-06) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with anti-debugger technique under Windows NT 4.0 |
[!] |
Fixed exception compressing already compressed resources for some applications |
Themida [] (17-Aug-2006) |
[+] |
Added new anti-debugger techniques |
[+] |
Splash screen now displays the Application name in the taskbar |
[+] |
Added support to protect applications with mangled PE headers |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for GetPrivateProfileInt function |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for GetPrivateProfileString function |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support with Kingsoft DuBa antivirus API hooking |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support with Panda antivirus API hooking |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for SearchPathA/SearchPathW |
[+] |
Updated help file |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue displaying big splash screens |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue truncating resources in some applications |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue under Windows 95 |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue bundling many files (more than 400) with long file names |
Themida [] (31-Jul-2006) |
[+] |
Added new protection: "VM Hard Tracing" in Virtual Machine panel |
[+] |
Added support to put other compressors/protectors on top of protected applications |
[+] |
Added new anti-monitor thread |
[+] |
Improved detection of Visual Basic native applications |
[+] |
Added option (Advanced Options panel) to change the last section name |
[+] |
Improved internal bug fixer module |
[+] |
Minor improvements in User Interface |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue removing the splash screen in Windows Vista |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue registering DLLs (via regsvr32) under Windows Vista |
Themida [] (11-Jul-2006) |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option: Insert splash screen in protected application |
[+] |
Added new anti-monitor technique |
[+] |
Added output file check before protection |
[+] |
Improved some internal protection engines |
[!] |
Fixed fake virus warning from Symantec antivirus |
[!] |
Disabled oreans32 service in protected applications |
Themida [] (07-Jul-2006) |
[+] |
Added support for REALbasic applications |
[+] |
Speed optimization in XBundler |
[+] |
Added new anti-debugger thread |
[+] |
Added some more anti-debugger detections |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue on API-Wrapper for some applications |
[!] |
Fixed bug wrapping some APIs under Windows x64 systems |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (26-Jun-2006) |
[+] |
Added support for Windows Vista Beta 2 |
[!] |
Fixed relocations problem with VM macros in some DLLs |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (15-Jun-2006) |
[+] |
Internal protections added |
[+] |
Added VMware/VirtualPC detection for protected DLLs |
[+] |
Added more anti-debugger detections techniques |
[+] |
Added support for Active Context based DLLs |
[+] |
Added new Advanced Option in user interface (Active Context Support) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility in VM macros for some DLLs |
[!] |
XBundler: Wrong return value in NumberOfBytesRead when ReadFile fails |
Themida [] (30-May-2006) |
[+] |
Added new anti-debugger detections |
[+] |
Added Advanced Option: Enable/Disable .NET assemblies check |
[+] |
Added Advanced Options in User Interface |
[+] |
Added log of macros into text file (MacrosLog.txt) |
[+] |
Added detection of Code Virtualizer protected applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in anti-debugger technique in Windows 9x/Me |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue compressing some embedded media files |
Themida [] (10-May-2006) |
[+] |
Improved analysis of application entry point to see if it can be fully virtualized |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue running protected applications under Windows x64 with dual core |
[!] |
Fixed deadlock when launching several protected applications under Windows x64 |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue adding CodeReplace automatically for some applications |
[!] |
Fixed memory leak when loading/unloading several times a protected DLL |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue protecting some .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed bug when saving a project with empty file entry |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (27-Apr-2006) |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support to bundle DLLs inside a protected DLL |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support to load embedded files when changing the current directory in runtime |
[+] |
XBundler: Optimized hooking for file access APIs |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with special wilcards in FindNextFile |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed memory leak in GetModuleFileName |
[!] |
XBundler: Bug fixed in FindNextFileW |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue protecting some BDS2006 applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue protecting from command line with MAP file |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed in User Interface |
Themida [] (18-Apr-2006) |
[!] |
Fixed random bug in thread engine that crashed some instances of protected application |
[!] |
Fixed bug introduced with new metamorph engine when using VM macros inside DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed bug when using Virtual API Wrapping for some DLLs |
[!] |
XBundler: fixed compatibility issue when embedding files bigger than 20Mb |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with Urlmon.dll in .NET applications |
Themida [] (11-Apr-2006) |
[+] |
Added support for Macromedia Director 7 applications |
[+] |
More improvements and security in Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Improved metamorph engine |
[+] |
Improved support to protect DLLs that work as plugins for other applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for OpenFile |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support to hook external DLLs for .NET applications |
[!] |
Some minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (28-Mar-2006) |
[+] |
Increased security in Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Virtual Machine is now 100% metamorphic |
[+] |
Opcode permutations in Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Added option in user interface to control the VM mutation level |
[+] |
Improved command line support |
[+] |
Enhancements in user interface when protecting an application |
[!] |
Fixed problem detecting addresses of macros for some applications |
[!] |
Fixed debugger detection message for DLLs |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (10-Mar-2006) |
[!] |
Added support in XBundler for Win9x/Me with Microsoft Layer for Unicode |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue when disabling Advanced API-Wrapping |
[!] |
Fixed deadlock in some applications when protecting with Ring-0 disabled |
Themida [] (07-Mar-2006) |
[+] |
Improved analisys for .NET applications |
[+] |
Added new Virtual Machine Macro with option to specify the complexity level in each macro |
[+] |
Added support to read Fortran MAP files |
[!] |
Fixed minor compatibility issues with some protected applications under Windows x64 |
[!] |
Fixed bug in Visual Basic Macros for some applications |
Themida [] (24-Feb-2006) |
[+] |
Added support to run protected applications in Compatibility Mode (Windows 9x/Me) under Windows XP |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in DLLs with option "VM Instructions Mutation" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with some DLLs when running under Windows 9x/Me |
[!] |
Fixed bug when exiting protected DLLs under Windows 9x/Me |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue disabling the Ring0 protection under Windows 9x/Me |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue running protected applications under VMWare with Windows 9x/Me |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed running protected applications under Windows 98 |
Themida [] (21-Feb-2006) |
[+] |
Addedd support to protect strongly named applications (only for .NET 2.0) |
[+] |
XBundler .NET: Added support to bundle strongly named assemblies |
[!] |
Fixed bug in Virtual Machine macros for DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue inserting macros in some Visual Basic Native applications |
[!] |
XBundler .NET: Fixed bug returning the bundled file names with FindFirstFile/FindNextFile |
Themida [] (15-Feb-2006) |
[+] |
Added option to disable the Ring-0 technology |
[+] |
Added support to protect Rockey 4 protected applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for GetFileInformationByHandle |
[+] |
XBundler .NET: Added support for .NET Framework 2.0 |
[+] |
Added corrected PE checksum in protected file (required for some applications) |
[+] |
Added detection of x64 PE files |
[+] |
Automatic deletion of internal generated file "AdvancedOptions.ini" |
[!] |
XBundler .NET: Fixed compatibility issue in XBundler with some .NET applications |
[!] |
XBundler .NET: Fixed compatibility issue with FindNextFileW in .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue protecting some .NET applications |
Themida [] (01-Feb-2006) |
[+] |
XBundler: Added option to allow Shell Dialogs APIs to see the embedded files |
[+] |
XBundler: Added support for FindFirstFile / FindNextFile with embedded files |
[+] |
XBundler: Added Xbundler messages when protecting via command line |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue merging sections in Delphi 2006 applications |
Themida [] (30-Jan-2006) |
[+] |
Added support for Macromedia Director applications |
[+] |
Added many internal 64 bits engines to support upcoming Themida64 |
[+] |
Added 64 bits Virtual Machine to support upcoming Themida64 |
[!] |
Fixed faked packed detection message in Delphi 2006 applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with some Visual C++ applications compiled in debug mode |
Themida [] (20-Dec-2005) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue mutating FPU instructions (VM Instruction Mutation option) |
Themida [] (19-Dec-2005) |
[+] |
Improved internal virtual machine |
[+] |
Added Virtual Machine anti dumper |
[+] |
Upgraded Virtual Machine Complexity option |
[+] |
Improved driver initialization |
[+] |
Improved mutation/obfuscation engine |
[+] |
Detection of missing DLLs in command line protection |
[+] |
Added detection of nested VM macros |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with AMD64 X2 Dual Core CPU |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with VM macros that affected some Visual Basic applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with emulation of POPFD and stack operations |
Themida [] (02-Dec-2005) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with main exception handler in .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed virtualization of instruction "SHLD/SHRD xx, xx, CL" |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue protecting some Delphi 2005 applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue registering DLLs and OCXs |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with nested exception handling in some VC applications |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed in User Interface |
Themida [] (15-Nov-2005) |
[+] |
Support for Windows x64 |
[+] |
Support for Windows Vista beta |
[+] |
Support for VMWare/Virtual PC |
[+] |
Support for .NET framework 2.0 (x86-32/x86-64) |
[+] |
Implemented new Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Virtual Machine exported to applications through Macros |
[+] |
Entry Point Virtualization |
[+] |
Virtual API-Wrapper against tracers |
[+] |
Multi-Thread support in Virtual Machine |
[+] |
Nested macros support |
[+] |
CodeReplace mixed with Virtual Machine technology |
[+] |
Virtual Machine macros in DLLs with fully relocation |
[+] |
Improved compression for .NET applications |
[+] |
XBundler: Unlimited files to bundle |
[+] |
Added support for Macromedia Authorware Executables |
[+] |
Improved interaction with VM macros and user interface |
[!] |
Fixed DLL exit hang when protecting several DLLs |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with Macros in Visual Basic 5 |
[!] |
XBundler: Fixed compatibility issue with some .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in Virtual API Wrapped with long names exported functions |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with Macromedia Authorware Executables > 3.5Mb |
[!] |
Fixed buffer overflow for huge VM macros |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with OCX files |
[!] |
Fixed exit problem in .NET applications |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with Virtual Machine and Visual Basic |
[!] |
Fixed VMWare/VirtualPC compatibility |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed in XBundler |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (01-Aug-2005) |
[+] |
Added support for XBundler .NET |
[+] |
Optimized API-Wrapper for Delphi/BCB applications |
[+] |
Improved performance in ENCODE macros |
[+] |
Added deadlock detection when booting up a protected application |
[+] |
Added new AdvanceOptions.ini settings |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in XBundler for some applications |
[!] |
Fixed race condition in ENCODE macro with multiple threads |
[!] |
Fixed exception when exiting in some Windows 9x systems |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue updating from old driver versions |
Themida [] (25-May-2005) |
[+] |
Added support to protect forms in Delphi/BCB when linking with runtime libraries |
[+] |
Added support to protect PE files with empty sections in PE header |
[+] |
Added compatibility issue with Panda Antivirus with Uknown virus protection enabled |
[+] |
Added CodeReplace module to read function addresses from a MAP file |
[+] |
Added support to protect several DLLs and the main EXE for a single application |
[+] |
Added support for XBundler plugin |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue when several protected DLLs are exiting at the same time |
[!] |
Fixed bug in ENCODE_START/END macro |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue when protecting some .NET EXEs |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in Themida Demo Nag screen that interacts with some applications returning a wrong window handle |
[!] |
Fixed random bug in driver extraction for some Windows systems |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with NT services protection |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with CodeReplace and EurekaLog (Win9x) |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (04-Apr-2005) |
[+] |
Added VMWare/VirtualPC detection |
[+] |
Added new protection techniques |
[+] |
Added support for some special PE files |
[+] |
Added different paths to store files to protect and last projects opened |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in Themida driver with WOWEXEC (16 bits applications) |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue in monitor tool detection |
[!] |
Fixed bug with Visual Basic and CodeReplace macros |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue when killing some protected application from the Windows task manager |
[!] |
Fixed bug in WebUpdate module |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (07-Mar-2005) |
[+] |
Added support for Dual Intel Xeon EM64T with WinXP SP2 (32bits) |
[+] |
Added custom switch to unlock the Themida global semaphore |
[!] |
Fixed problem with driver extraction in some machines with Windows NT/2000 |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with .NET applications that use the SSL protocol |
Themida [] (21-Feb-2005) |
[+] |
Added support to protect applications with empty resources section |
[+] |
Added support to protect applications linked with PellesC linker |
[+] |
Added plugin architecture to support upcoming protection plugins |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with applications that connects to the internet using the SSL protocol |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with protected applications running in some dual-processor machines |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with protected applications that make use of the Windows Active Directory |
[!] |
Fixed bug in WebUpdate module |
Themida [] (09-Feb-2005) |
[+] |
Upgraded Themida device driver to support some Intel Celeron processors with bug in refreshing of TLB |
[!] |
Minor bugs fixed |
Themida [] (25-Jan-2005) |
[+] |
Added support for Adobe After Effects plugins |
[+] |
Added support for any Windows kernel names (different from ntoskrnl.exe and ntkrnlpa.exe) |
[+] |
Added support to detect when an imported DLL is not present in the application to protect |
[!] |
Bug fixed when showing nag screen in protected DLLs with Themida demo version |
[!] |
Bug fixed when showing custom messages for protected DLLs |
[!] |
Added internal option to disable CRC on some protected blocks |
[!] |
Fixed system deadlock in some protected applications when launching them many times per second |
[!] |
Fixed buffer overflow in disassembly screen when macros are too big |
Themida [] (17-Dec-2004) |
[+] |
Added support for AMD64 with XP-SP2 (32 bits) |
[+] |
Added support for Windows XP with PAE (Physical Address Extension) enabled |
[!] |
Fixed random bug that caused some protected applications to crash when exiting by error message |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue when protecting a file through the command line |
[!] |
Fixed compatibility issue with some applications that overlap their TLS section with the code section |
[!] |
Change default GUI position from desktop centered to screen centered |
Themida [] (04-Dec-2004) |
[+] |
Themida 1.0 Beta released |