Inserting Protection Macros in EXE/DLLs

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Inserting Protection Macros in EXE/DLLs

This section explains how to insert blocks of code to protect by Code Virtualizer in your applications (EXE), DLLs, OCXs, ActiveX, screen savers, etc. If you are protecting a device driver, please read here.


There are different ways to insert sensitive code blocks in your application:


Via Inline assembly: A macro is just a definition of "dummy" machine code which is recognized by Code Virtualizer


Via API call: A macro is a call to a function defined in VirtualizerSDK.dll. Code Virtualizer can recognize where a macro starts and ends by looking at this calls. The unprotected application will require the "VirtualizerSDK.dll" to run but once that you protect your application with Code Virtualizer, the linking with VirtualizerSDK.dll will be removed and you don't need to ship that DLL with your protected application.


Via ASM module: You will link your application with a special Assembly Language file which defines some functions (with special code sequences on it). Code Virtualizer can recognize where you call those macros by looking at references to that special assembly language functions.


Code Virtualizer delivers a set of Include files for several programming languages. You just need to insert that Include file in your source code and you are ready to use the protection macros.


The VIRTUALIZER macro is the original name used in older versions of Code Virtualizer. In newer versions of our protection we recommend that you specify the name of the Virtual Machine that will be used to virtualize the code inside the START - END markers. For example, instead of using "VIRTUALIZER_START/END" for a block of code, you should select which Virtual Machine (from the Virtual Machine panel) will be used to virtualize that code (example "VIRTUALIZER_TIGER_WHITE_START/END")


We have also include a mutation macro (VIRTUALIZER_MUTATE_ONLY) which just mutates the code instead of virtualizing it. This macro has a very low protection compared with the above virtualization macros but it's suitable for specific code areas that does not require high protection but some obfuscation is desired. Also, the execution speed in VIRTUALIZER_MUTATE_ONLY macros is much higher than the virtualization macros.



Examples in C/C++ and Delphi


Here we show some real examples of using Code Virtualizer in C/C++ and Delphi:

Click to expand/collapseShow C/C++ Example
Click to expand/collapseShow Delphi Example



Note for C/C++ developers


In the VirtualizerSDK.h file, you can find two special definitions:





With those special definitions, you can control if your macros will be inserted as inline assembly or as a API calls. We recommend that you insert macros as inline assembly for your 32-bit application and as API calls for your 64-bit application. Anyway, the protection is not related at all with the way that you insert macros.